You were trained to help people, not trained to run a business. Let’s fill in that gap!

The IAT Coaching training had a “hole in the bucket”, as Thais says. Many finished the program and did not feel confident in starting their own coaching career. As a small business manager with 23 years experience, I want to help you feel empowered and ready to finally launch your business and start helping people, as you were meant to do.

You were never meant to do this alone. Launching a business requires support.

Upcoming Workshops:

Wednesday February 21st at 7pm eastern for 4 weeks (online)

Saturday February 24th at 5pm eastern for 4 weeks (online)

Workshop Fee: $200 for the entire 4 week workshop series


“I really appreciated Heather's professional insights in these well-organized workshop series. I found all information provided very pertinent and helpful. Thank you, Heather!”

-N.K January 2024

“As a certified Integrated Attachment Theory coach, I took one of Heather's business set-up courses in a webinar style format. Heather is informative, funny, and a very experienced entrepreneur. They show a lot of care for the world around them and their clients. The business strategies and website critiques my cohort received were explained with helpful, thoughtful, and patient consideration. I was delighted by all of the learnings I gained for my business set up and the certainty I gained from taking their course.”

-L.M December 2023