“Love isn’t something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn’t a feeling, it is a practice.”

~ Erich Fromm

Every Relationship Needs Support to Succeed

  • Every relationship has it’s tough parts and how we navigate those will determine the success of the relationship. There is no shame in getting support to get through those tough parts in a loving, healthy way that leaves you both feeling more connected than ever before

  • Through IAT Relationship Coaching, you will each learn what your triggers or Core Wounds are, what each of you need in order to feel calm, stable, and supported, and how to communicate through conflict with ease and compassion for one another.

  • Whether it be platonic, romantic, familial, or even a co-worker, all relationships are worth investing in. Relationship ruptures happen to everyone and often we are not equipped to handle them ourselves. Relationship Coaching can be extremely beneficial for every type of relationship that you have.


  • Simply put, tools. We work with tools to improve communication, feeling our emotions, and repairing hurt or harm. We will not talk endlessly or rehash your cyclical arguments in session. Instead, we are going to learn and practice the kinds of tools everyone needs for satisfying, healthy, long-lasting relationships.

  • The best time to start coaching is before you reach the stage of chronic resentment but even if that’s where you are, we can work with that. Learning new tools for improving communicating, feeling your emotions, and repairs hurt/harm will be beneficial at any stage of the relationship but they are more easily adopted when the relationship is still young.

  • Through the Personal Development School, I was trained in the Integrated Attachment Theory method by Thais Gibson. As well, I received a certificate in Somatic Attachment Therapy from Embody Lab, which was taught by incredible facilitators like Kai Cheng Thom, Jessica Fern, and Diane Poole Heller. Both of these trainings have allowed me to support couples in coming back to a place of love and connection.

  • We will start off by meeting together to talk about what your concerns are and what are your goals for this process. We then split up and do individual sessions to work on each person’s core wounds, needs, and boundary setting. Interspersed, we meet as a group to discuss what each individual is learning about themselves and the relationship. We also focus on learning tools to improve the relationship that you will continue to use long after you’ve finished the coaching process.

  • Yes, helping couples open up their marriage/relationship is something I am proud to do. Non-monogamy and polyamory are not going to fix your relationships troubles but coaching can help you navigate this delicate process in an informed and supported way.